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ABRDN, a global investment company and asset manager, selected Tertia to renovate a 90m² coffee corner within their offices in Kirchberg. Initially open to the office space, the coffee corner caused noise disturbances and lacked warmth and conviviality. Our mission was to create a genuine social area that is welcoming and warm, without affecting the adjacent workspaces.
  • Build
  • Conception
  • Consultancy
  • Furniture

  • Coffee Corner
  • 90m²
  • 2024
  • Luxembourg

A modern and welcoming space

We addressed the noise disturbance issue by modifying the partition separating the open space and the coffee corner, adding a sound barrier and a door. These changes have created a quieter work environment more conducive to concentration.

The space previously lacked conviviality. To remedy this, we chose materials and colors that bring a warm and inviting ambiance. Every element was redesigned to provide a pleasant and stimulating setting. The existing kitchen was too small and not very functional. We expanded the kitchen unit and replaced the backsplash with a more modern design for increased functionality. Now, this space perfectly meets users’ needs, offering both practicality and aesthetics.

A comfortable and inspiring environment

Our commitment to designing spaces that enhance well-being and productivity is clearly reflected in this project. All the furniture has been renewed, with particular attention to comfort and design. The new furniture, selected for its quality and contemporary style, helps create a pleasant and ergonomic space, conducive to relaxation and interaction.

In addition to the work done in the coffee corner, we refreshed the paint in several other areas of the premises. This intervention has harmonized the overall look and revitalized the working atmosphere.
